
Tuesday, July 2, 2013


So, it's happening.  I'm officially training for my first marathon.  Right now I don't have a job and I have a lot of down time on my hands.  So instead of sitting around and doing nothing and getting more depressed during the time I'm looking for a job I decided it's time to finally run a marathon.
I am following the Hal Higdon's 18 week Novice plan.  I decided to start off with the beginners so that I reduce the possibility of injury.  My marathon is in 25 weeks but the training suggests a taper so it should work well.
I am not only running to kill time and get healthy.  I am also running to raise money to find a cure and awareness about SMA.
I've written about sweet Getty, one of Teagan's two pen pals once or twice (okay, more, but those are some more informative ones).  When I ran the half marathon I ran and raised over $600 for the Getty Owl Foundation.  My goal for the marathon is to double that.  If you'd like to donate you can do so here.
I will be talking about my progress on here occasionally. Different experiences with gear and runs and gels and all that goes along with training.  I'm looking and desperately needing new shoes, I am looking at watches, and a new knee brace (stupid IT band).  I'll keep you posted on those things as the time comes for them.
I will also be putting together a sponsorship package.  If you have a company that you would like to get some social media attention and a spot on my marathon shirt (it's a boston qualifier) then keep looking back here for more information.

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