
Monday, July 29, 2013

We finally made it!

To the beach that is....And it was Kyra's first time! She absolutely loved it! She is truly our beach baby.

Excited for the beach!

Engrossed in her book. 

We took too long to get there. 

Konked out.
Loved it. 

Teagan preferred the land to the sea. 

Building sandcastles! 

Toes in the sand! 

Waiting with "her" Miles David to eat.  The last time they were here together Teagan was barely 5 months old. 

Sweet friends. 

Kyra Mae, wanting to be with the "big kids". 

Yes, I love to match them.  Don't judge. 

Kyra walking with her Aunt Jeana. 

We take them to eat seafood and Kyra wants corn. 

T wanted a cheeseburger but ended up eating all of my crab cakes...I got the burger.  Go figure. 

Me and my littlest.  

Long run on the beach, yes please!

Post run dip in the ocean. 

Italian ice. 

We had a live concert too! 

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