
Thursday, October 3, 2013


I took this picture yesterday when we reached a stopping point on our drive home. It made me think about how we, as Mommy's, isolate ourselves. Not necessarily physically but about our physical self. 
It's the mental and emotional isolation that slowly creeps in like this cloud. After a play date, a run to Target, even after church on Sunday.  We compare ourselves to each other, then we pick at ourselves allowing, the lies to seep in. The wishes to overcome us. Those legs, that hair, those eyebrows.
Why, Sisters? Why? Why is it so easy for us to forget how loved we are? Why is it so hard to wrap our heads and hearts around that fact? Why is it so hard to remember that HE, who made that cloud so intricately also made you and I? Do you know the intiricate details of a cloud?  I looked it up and found that it involves words like droplets and ice crystals and vapors and condensation.  We are even more intimately made than that cloud. He made us AFTER the cloud. He wanted more.  We were made to be his Beloved.  He created our legs, our hair, our eyebrows, just the way they are supposed to be. He calls us by name.
So Sisters, please spend time with HIM today. Allow HIM to remind you when you look up today that HE made you. He wasn't satisfied with that cloud. He wanted and wants you. Just the way you are. 

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