
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Introduction to The Exodus Road and Freeset

This weekend I went to Allume.  My amazing friend Jessica was the catalyst that helped it all happen but that is a story for another time.  This weekend blew me away.  If you caught any of my tweets or instagram pictures you might have caught a theme among them.  God broke me this weekend.  God broke me BUT then He set me free. Many emotions and feelings have overcome my body that I still need a little time to process and hash all of that out in words so I ask for a little grace in the down time.

While I am processing the new burdens and convictions in my life I want to share one of them with you.  I was given the opportunity to learn and work with two incredible organizations this weekend.  The Exodus Road and Freeset.  These organizations have made it their mission to set individuals shackled by the sex trade free.  The Exodus Road goes in and basically does the work of a top notch SWAT team.  Freeset gives those individuals a safe place (i.e. shelter, job/trade, safety, JESUS) after the shackles have been jerked from the wall.  Now, these two organizations do not currently work together currently but they are doing equally good work.  I am going to show you two videos; one from each organization.  After watching these videos I ask you to process them.  Process how they make you feel.  Process if the Lord has laid it on your heart to help me support these organizations.  Over the next few weeks I will be introducing you to products (hello, giveaways), videos, and other ways you can get involved in supporting these organizations.  And just before you think I am going to just ask and ask for money, you are wrong.  Support isn't always in a monetary form.

FreeSet Video

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