
Tuesday, October 8, 2013


My yesterdays are filled with moments of not loving my mommy body.  Actually, my yesterdays are filled with moments of not loving my body before I became a mommy.  Truth be told, even some of my days now are filled with moments of not loving my mommy body.  Some days my jeans are a little tighter in the waist than I'd like.  Some days my shirts don't conceal that mommy belly that I've tried so hard to get rid of.  Some days I don't get out of my running clothes; claiming I am running that day (I usually AM but I could change clothes).  Okay, most days I don't get out of my running clothes.
You know what though? He has loved me through it all.  He has been there reminding me, in those fleeting looks of approval in the windows as I pass them by.  He has whispered to me when that pair of jeans fits just the way they should for the first time in a weeks.  He has shouted out that he knows the number of hairs on my head as my stylists trims those same hairs.  Sometimes though, I don't hear him.  Sometimes I'm so wrapped up in my disapproval of myself that I miss those windows, I don't put on those jeans, and I miss those hairs on the floor. 
Today, I am going to try and hear Him. I am going to listen for His sweet whispers.  His sweet reminders that He made me just the way I am.  That He loves me; on the days I miss the windows, when those jeans don't fit, and I miss the hairs on the floor.  
Because, Sisters, He has been there in my yesterdays. He is truly with me now.  He will be with me tomorrow. His agape love for me is unfathomable.  Focus on that with me today. Focus on His love for Us. Because it's everlasting and never sways.

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