
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dearest Kyra Mae.

Dearest Kyra Mae,
I can't wrap myself around the idea of you being 2 already.  You are truly a blessing and a challenge wrapped in a tornado of sweetness and independence.
As you grow up there is more of a bittersweetness then maybe Teagan growing up before you became an outside baby. You are our last, as far as we know or are concerned. I am cleaning out onesies for the last time. We will no longer have size 4 diapers in our house. We have passed the time of the infamous nose sucker. We are moving on to puzzles and babies and figuring out this paci thing.  You are talking and singing and telling me when you have a poopy. You are running after Teagan wanting to be so much like her but trying so hard to show us your own colors. You are getting tall, my little lady! You certainly have more of your daddy in you than me. You have bits of my personality though, so it's going to be interesting to see how that combination works out as you grow up. You have a strong personality which includes a strong will. When you don't like something or don't want to do something, you plop your cute booty down in stubborn've also been known to catfight a little at school and will not go down without at least a little fight (which we'll talk about a little more as you get older, just FYI).
You have been the last piece to our family puzzle and both your daddy and I feel a sense of completion.  So, little lady, know something- in those moments where I get flustered or your daddy snaps at you or Teagan refuses to share something- we LOVE you. Completely and forever. You have completed our family with gusto and pizazz and we are blessed and thankful for all that you are.

Forever and Always,

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