
Monday, January 5, 2015

Time after time.

So many times over the last few months I have thought about a blog post. So many times I've had a thought come flooding through my head in the middle of the night only to find myself giving in to sleep, or the wishful thinking of such an act. So many times I have been having a time with one of the girls and I think to myself about how if I would type it up that it could potentially help another mom realize they weren't alone in the confusion and chaos. So many times I've felt strong or weak or pretty or not so lovely that I felt the need to write. There have been adventures and parties and service opportunities that I'd thought would be nice to share but they never did. There have been new words, new dances, and new yoga poses that I felt were worth sharing but didn't.
Over the last few months I've been working on life. Actually living it. I got sucked so deep into the world of online that it was taking over. I pulled back from the life I was living online and threw myself back into reality. Want to know something? I didn't grow an extra appendage nor did I have one retract! I've actually lived life again. I'm not watching the world through my fingers. I'm not seeking out things to do with my family just so I can blog about it or announce it to the world.
That being said, I'm baby stepping back into the online world. Back into letting my fingers dance on the keyboard once again. I've missed it. I've also realized I have to tread carefully or risk being drawn in again. So, here we go 2015. Lets live this.

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