
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Upside down.

Isn't it funny how real the struggle is? How one minute you feel on top of the world and then the next minute you feel completely upside down? Depression is one of those things that people don't like to talk about. Or when they talk about it they down play it. Depression is a struggle that is real. For some it is only a moment in time. For others it's a lifelong companion. My relationship falls in the latter category. I have my good days and bad. Sometimes my life feels upside down for no reason at all. Not talking about it isn't going to help. Pretending like I'm awesome all the time isn't going to help. It's not going to help me and it's not going to help you. Depression gets worse when we let the silence of it become deafening. So, let's talk about it. Open the lines of communication. Don't suffer in silence. Reach out. 
One thing I've been doing for myself lately is yoga. I'm able to focus my mind on things that are true, like Gospel true. I'm able to focus on Bible verses that my heart needs to hear and my head needs to put on repeat.  I'm able to focus at how strong my body is and is becoming. I'm able to calm my mind. I'm able to test my physical limits. I'm able to belly breathe and feel it to my toes. I'm able to pause in positions that make my body feel good and breathe deeper into positions that cause me some difficulty. Yoga is slowly becoming a physical metaphor for my life and the roller coaster that is depression. Good days and bad. I'm blessed and thankful and prayerful that even on those bad days I don't forget it. 

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