
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Getting nervous...

Well, I just got a call from the doctor's office with our "induction schedule". We have an ultrasound tomorrow morning and then we go in on Sunday evening at 7:30 and start the induction process. I'm more nervous about the induction process then I'd like to admit. The thought of the Pitocin and the contractions going from 0-60 is really freaking me out. When I've had maybe an hour of "real" contractions total this whole pregnancy it worries me that I'm not going to be prepared. I would have liked to at least been able to do a warm up lap before the big race...
I'm trying to remain calm thinking she could just grace us with her presence before then but I'm not going to try and force her out. I'm still going to take this week in stride and try and get stuff done around the house while she's still an inside baby. With the weather being so pretty I'll proably walk more (like yesterday...I walked for 30 minutes with her stroller around the neighborhood! I had to try it out!!!) and just spend time with my hubby while we still have "just us" time.
Even though I might be nervous about the upcoming induction I still gave this whole situation over to the LORD and I plan on leaving it with him, so right now I'm focusing on his comfort in my time of being scared and nervous...

James 1: 5-6
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask GOD, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

*what good is giving it to GOD if I'm only going to snatch it back?*


  1. You can do it Rici!! I was scared out of my mind too, but remember, you're not the first person to ever have a baby! Billions and billions of women have given birth for centuries. Trust in yourself, and above all trust in the Lord. He knows your limits and what your body can handle. Hang in there kiddo! She'll be here soon!

  2. It will be okay. I know all the explanations of the induction sound scary...but just like you said, your body will take over! just know what to do. Hand it over...completely and totally and don't take it back! Your "snatch it back" sounds just like a blog post I did recently! God is good and he created the woman's body for labor, he's the ultimate physician!!
