
Monday, January 18, 2010

A little excitement last night...

Up until last night I've been having basically a TON of Braxton Hicks ("fake/practice") contractions for a while now. Last night...we called the doctor on call....
We went to Lincolnton yesterday for Mamaw's b'day and Josh had to try and work on his car so I went to Hickory with the girls (Mama, Mamaw, Kellie and Aunt Ann) to walk around and just not be in the house because I was stir crazy from sitting around on Saturday. You can't imagine the looks I got when people smiled and asked me when I was due..."last Friday" I'd say with a big smile and they just got this slight look of fear across their was hilarious to watch! Anyway, as Josh and I were heading home we decided to stop for something to eat because it was around 6:30ish. Well, before he even turned into the drive thru from the main road my eyes got huge and I looked at him and just started breathing. He realized what was going on because "now THOSE sound like Nurse Diane's did in class"! It was hilarious and he did such a good job just keeping my mind off of what was going on. So, as my (finally) real contractions continued we got through the drive-thru (the guy at the drive thru was staring and the look on his face was priceless from what Josh said) and headed home. I kept having them but Josh kept talking to me like nothing was happening (which is EXACTLY what I needed him to do) except asking if I needed to call the doctor or if I wanted to wait and I kept saying lets wait until we get a little closer to home. So, we're driving down the road and I'm still having contractions but it's like my body just took over. My body knew exactly what to do and how to breathe. I just went with it but decided we might need to call the doctor anyway. Well, I call the voice center while I'm still in contraction mode and it was obvious to her I was having contractions and then by the time the on-call nurse called back they had stopped. They were consistent (timing was right to call) while they were happening but once they stopped it's like they stopped cold turkey and I was back to the Braxton-Hicks. I felt like a moron talking to the on-call nurse and she made me feel like a moron for calling but she told me she was going to have the doctor call anyway. So, we get home and start to eat dinner and the doc calls. Let me just tell you that I LOVE every doctor that I've seen at the practice I go to and this doc was just as friendly as I remembered him being (this is the doc who informed us of Sprout's Choroid Cysts...which are GONE by the way)! He talked to me for about 10 minutes and was wonderful. He also explained that if I want to do natural that he thinks it's wonderful but that I need to stay at home and basically suck it up as long as I can when they start back. He told me things that I hadn't been informed of yet and it was very helpful so even if the contractions stopped I'm so glad I got to talk to him!
Josh and I headed to bed early (those contractions wear your body out a little!! lol) and then I woke up around 12:45 this morning feeling them again but I just laid there breathing through them...I figure if I start freaking out and start walking around and doing something other then breathing to relieve them at this point then I'll have nothing left to try once they get really bad so at this point I'm just sticking to the breathing and having my husband distract me and so far it's worked. It's crazy that my body just seems to know exactly what to do...
I head in to the doctor this morning for a check up and to more then likely schedule the induction date...we'll probably be talking more "natural" options for induction this morning but still schedule the date just in case. My doc appointment isn't until 9am but I've been up a while because I just want to get there and figure out where we go from here!! We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers from everybody!!

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