
Thursday, March 11, 2010


So since being cleared for exercise last week I've been debating how to lose the rest of the baby weight and most importantly tone up! I'll start running again once the weather gets consistently better and warmer. Teagan and I walk around the neighborhood when the weather is nice enough but it's not a consistent exercise from day to day so I can't count on it. I would re-start my P90X but I need to build my stamina back up a little bit before I take on that task...hopefully in a month or two. So, I've decided to start the infamous Jillian Michaels 30 day SHRED. I started the SHRED last night and it actually wasn't that bad. It was a really great workout though and I can see it providing results fairly quickly. I'm going to track my progress on here because if I don't have a way to hold myself accountable I'm more likely to slack.

Starting weight: 145
Goal weight: 125

Goals: To tone up and slim down. Vague at this point but I haven't figured out how exactly pregnancy moved stuff around just yet and until I figure out this new body I can't really have more specific goals. I just want to rebuild my stamina and tone up certain areas. I want to be healthy and stay healthy for my family.

Day 1: Worked out with the video for the first time.

Day 2: 3/11/10
Breakfast: 2 servings oatmeal (this is where I incorporate the "extra" calories I'm supposed to have while breastfeeding) and 1 cup 2% milk.

Snack: medium orange

Lunch: Homemade pizza on whole wheat soft tortilla with cheese and pepperoni, water.

Dinner: TBD (to be determined)

Workout: SHRED level 1

Okay, enough about me. Teagan is doing excellent! We had a few nights of 6 straight hours of sleep! We're back to around 4ish but I think that is because she and I were out a lot the last few days and she slept a lot in the car and in the stroller. We haven't been anywhere today and so hopefully tonight will be another 6 straight hours. We'll see! Either way the Lord is blessing me with the ability to function no matter how much or how little sleep I get!

Teagan is growing like a little weed! I haven't weighed her this week but I'm going to weigh and measure her on Saturday...she'll be 7 weeks old on Saturday! Time is really flying by too quickly. Next week is my last wee at home with her but I'm pretty much in denial. I have a feeling that when it really hits me that I won't be at home with her and be with her 24/7 it's going to hit me really hard. I'm not excited about that and I'm sure my poor hubby isn't excited about the flood of emotions that are going to come out of me either!

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