
Thursday, March 4, 2010

You know you're a mommy when...

I definitely had a "you know you're a mommy when" moment...This morning around 2:30 Teagan woke up (after 4 1/2 hours!! yay) and she was hungry. I always change her before she eats to avoid a blowout. Well, this morning she wasn't finished before I changed her diaper and went all over the changing pad. No biggie, I cleaned her up and changed her onesie. Well, I went to put the next diaper on and she pooped! All over my hand!! Did I freak? Nope! I wiped my hand, wiped her down again, changed her again and then hand sanitized my hand and we sat down to feed. I swear I'm going to come up with a better changing pad...

So, my "you know you're a mommy when" of the day get pooped on by your child at 2:30 in the morning and you still love them...that is unconditionally love!
Just thought I'd share the funny story.

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