
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Being kind.

A few weeks ago I saw a Barley & Birch facebook question posted. One of their mommy friends was having some breastfeeding issues and they were asking for advice.  Having been there myself I decided to put my two cents in and tell them as much as I could about the stuff that helped me during my problems.  I'm not shy when it comes to topics like this or basically anything involving my pregnancy or baby type stuff.  I think everybody needs a little help once in a while and if a question is asked then I will be more then willing to answer it. 
Anyway, I had contacted them earlier about buying a onesie for Teagan.  We were to go camping that weekend and I wanted this onesie to commemorate Teagan's first camping experience.  It was a little more then I would typically pay but it was cute and it is 100% organic.  I feed Teagan organic food.  Why should her skin feel any less? So, in their return message to me they said they would like to send me that particular onesie. Free. They just wanted me to know they appreciated my kindness and they would like to send me (Teagan) this token of that appreciation.  All they asked was that I tell my friends & the bloggy world about it.  I was definitely okay with that! So, here goes!

I literally checked the mail everday for a week or two waiting on this onesie.  I was so excited to get it.  The day I checked the mail and it was in our mailbox I let out a squeal and ran back to the car to show Teagan.  "Your shirt is here, Little Bear!!" I immediately handed her the envelope and she proudly carried it into the house.

Of course after I got her out I opened the package and pulled out the onesie.  I let Teagan hold it and play with it for a little while and then we raced upstairs (she beat me) to put the shirt in the washing machine so she could wear it the next day. 
When I put it on her that morning she didn't cry. She didn't wimper.  She kind of did a little happy dance!  The shirt washed beautifully.  There was no fading, no running of colors and no roughness anywhere on the shirt.  The shirt is incredibly soft and wears very well.  Teagan played, napped and ate in her new shirt and the shirt came home like it left (except maybe with a food stain or two, haha). 

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