
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Running progress.

"Everyone who has run knows that its most important value is in removing tension and allowing a release from whatever other cares the day may bring." -Jimmy Carter

Today, I needed this quote before my run.  Sure, I ran according to my training guide but the run kind of sucked.  I wasn't focused.  I wasn't able to feed Teagan at lunch because she was asleep and feeding/cuddling with her in the middle of the day just does something good to my soul.  I wasn't able to block out the spiderweb of thoughts in my head.  Okay, enough of my rainy day blues mood. 
Training is going pretty well.  I've condensed an 8 week program into a 6 week program because I didn't have to start out on the initial building up from scratch thing.  I've been in "official" training mode since Tuesday (oddly enough by the program Monday was a day of rest).  I'm feeling pretty good.  My IT (iliotibial) band is acting up again but should be fine if I remember to wear my brace when I run.  That 13.1 number is kind of daunting but I'm determined to cross the finish line running on December 12th. 
I am however, kind of disappointed in the fundraising.  I plan on starting letters this evening to send out to people.  I realize the holiday's are racing (no pun intended) upon us but all I'm asking for is, well anything.  $1-$1,000 will be gladly accepted.  Also, for any runners (or non-runners) who would like to join my "team" on Crowdrise I would really appreciate it.  Or if you would just like to help raise money or awareness! Just let me know!

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