
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ear infections

Here we go again.  My brave trooper has another ear infection.  Did we know it? No.  Did she have a fever? No. Was she complaining? No.
I took her in because she had developed a slight cough that was going on about 2 weeks and because she had a ¨crazy not herself day¨ yesterday.  I slightly (and I stress slightly) thought there could be an ear infection possibility because she had dug in her ears about 2 times in the last few days.  She´s NEVER done that before even when she had the last ear infection that lasted 3 months.  I thought it might be water in her ears from her baths but it looks like I should start listening to my motherś intuition more often. 
The doctor said we caught it at about a 4 on a 1-10 scale so I feel pretty good about that. 
I just hope we aren´t on the road to tubes.  The thing I really can´t get over is the ear infections never seem to bother her.  Please keep Teagan in your thoughts and prayers that this antibiotic works & we don´t have another 3 month ear infection that leads to tubes.  


  1. Good luck with everything! We are on our 3rd ear infection in 7 weeks. And a penicillin allergy... so we'll see how our journey goes too. Tubes may be in our future too!

  2. Baby E is having the same reoccuring earaches. I'm never sure if he has one because just like Teagan, he doesn't show any symptoms. It's so frustrating.

  3. Good luck with the ear infections. Riley had 6 by the time she was 9 months old... they would clear up (COMPLETELY GONE) and be back in a matter of days.

    They never seemed to bother her either, the only way I could tell is that she would spit up... that's the only time shed ever spit up was if she had an ear infection.

    We finally opted for tubes, most stressful day ever!! Matt had just gad surgey 4 days prior. But Riley came through it like a champ!! You couldn't even tell shed had anything done by that afternoon, and we havent had an ear infection since!!!

    I hated to do it, but it ended up being one of the best choices we made for her. Its not all bad ;) Looking back it was well worth it!!
