
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Last Mother's Day I was a bit overwhelmed.  We were still adjusting to life with a baby girl and my moods were a little roller coaster like.  This year was far better.  We had a busy Sunday but it was a blessed Sunday.  We spent our Sunday at church celebrating and worshiping the Lord that made me a Mommy, I snuggled up with my baby girl and napped, we enjoyed a cookout with my side of the family and went and visited with Josh's side.  Seeing all the people we love was a blessing.  I can't believe next Mother's Day I will be the mommy of 2! Wow.

I do want to do a little shout out to my mom.  My mom is the most innocent and caring person I've ever met in my life.  She still holds an innocence almost surpassing that of a child.  She sees the good in people and refuses to see the bad until it basically hits her in the face.  Don't let that fool you though she is stronger then she'll ever realize.  She has a heart like none I've ever known.  I know people say they know of people who would give the shirt off their backs to somebody who needed it but they haven't met my mom.  I honestly think she would give her undies to somebody who needed it. Just saying.  She's that good. Her priorities are definitely where they need to be.  God comes first, then family then basically whoever else needs her. 
I grew up an Air Force brat.  My dad wasn't gone so much that I didn't know who he was and I will forever be a daddy's girl but there were a lot of times where it was just me and mom.  She was a stay at home mom and we were all each other had when daddy was gone because we were away from family and I am an only child. I was an amazing child until I reached the 3rd grade.  After that I entered the age of the attitude and disrespect.  I look back in pain at the number of times I just hurt my mom's feelings from 3rd grade until after I graduated college.  They say you take out your frustration and anger on those closest to you.  Well, the number of tears my mom shed because of me must tell you how close we were.  When we "argue" nobody really understands it.  We have words and then usually no more then an hour later we're back to normal.  It used to drive my dad nuts but that is just how we work and to be quite honest I already see that with Teagan and I.  Not real sure how good that is but it works for us. 
Now, my mom and I are best friends.  I feel weird not seeing her or talking to her everyday.  We see each other at least 4 out of the 5 days in my work week and I talk to her on the phone at least 5 times a day.  We go shopping and are brutally honest with each other.  We support each other 100%.  It's honestly like God gave me a sister and a mom all wrapped up in one (because of the only child thing).  I am so grateful to my mom and all she has taught and continues to teach me.  I can only pray that I grow up to be a third of the woman she is. 


  1. Wow... for a second there I thought that was you and Teagan in some vintage shades! What a lovely mommy you have and how lucky you are to see her so often.

  2. You had her in tears kiddo! She really does love you (I draw the line @ the undies thing though!). Love ya! Dad
