
Wednesday, December 14, 2011


You know how I was crazy bragging on Ella's Kitchen products the other day? Well, it's giveaway time!! They've offered one of my readers a sample box of their products! There are 10 pouches in the box! It's a great offer! I cannot wait until the winner gets the box and tells me they love Ella's Kitchen stuff as much as we do in our house!
I do have to confess...some of their products make good smoothies for Mommy's too...*smiles sheepishly*

Bet you're wondering how to win.  Just leave your favorite Christmas memory in the comments and I will randomly pick, well the computer will, a winner.  To increase your chances just got "like" them on facebook and/or follow them on Twitter (@ellaskitchen) and give us a vote on TBB for extra entries (honesty policy here peeps)!

Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs


  1. my favorite Christmas memory was last Christmas, when Riley came downstairs to see all of her goodies from Santa Clause. Her new kitchen, and her new Barbie Jeep. I cried, it just melted my heart to see her so happy. :)

  2. Ooh, we love Ella's Kitchen. My favorite Christmas memory is from high school, when our parents surprised us with a trip to Europe as a gift. We were jumping around and screaming like crazy!

    Liked on Fb, followed on Twitter, and voted! :)

  3. my favorite Christmas memory was my son's first Christmas. You dream about what your first child's Christmas will be like - but we had an ice storm: no power = no christmas presents, no heat, no twinkling tree or christmas music playing the background...but because of all that we snuggled together as a family and quietly opened the gifts and cherished that moment WITHOUT all the distractions :)

  4. My favorite Christmas memory is that of McKenzie's pre-K year. She just absolutely HAD to go outside and sprinkle "reindeer food" all over the back yard so that Santa could find our house. Chad (her older brother), Mckenzie, and myself must have looked ridiculous twirling around the yard in the dark tossing glitter and oats everywhere...but I will never forget the first time we did this! We have done so every year for the last 6 Christmas's...this will be Jacob's first time participating and I can't wait!

    P.S. Jacob LOVES the Ella's Kitchen products! I voted on TBB and "liked" them on twitter :)

  5. OK...not on twitter...blonde moment..."liked" them on facebook

  6. This Christmas was one I'll never forget. My just 3yr old's face when he went into the living room to see footprints across the floor (flour - don't tell!!), the mince pie, milk and carrot gone and two presents under the tree (he did get more but Mummy thought it might be a bit much all in one go)The look on his face was pure magic and one I will never forget. Now, of course, he's telling anyone who'll listen that Rudolf ate his carrot!
