
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Presents aren't everything.

This year my side of the family has decided not to exchange presents.  The only presents will be for Teagan & Kyra.  Teagan is going to be hilarious this year and I can't wait to see her face as she opens the presents and then more then likely plays with the paper instead.  Oh well, who needs presents when you have pretty paper?
I was telling Josh the other night that a few years ago the idea of not getting presents at Christmas, especially from my own parents, would have made me upset.  Downright angry actually.  I was a selfish brat and I am willing to admit it.  It's funny how having a family of my own has changed my way of thinking.  This year I'm not bothered by the no present thing.  The lack of material things.  I can't wait to head to our hometown and see my side of the family for goodies and some "oldie-goldie dancin'" before going to Josh's parents for a Christmas Eve story.  To let Teagan hear how Jesus was born in a manger just one more time for good measure.  I can't wait to share Christmas day with our family.  I can't wait for our families to come over and see Teagan and Kyra.  To love on them and play with them and to just be.  That's it.  That is probably the most awesome present I could receive this year.

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1 comment:

  1. This time it's all about the girls and the realization that they are our presents from God. We don't need anything, but are thankful for the blessings those two babies represent. It is God's way of telling us that he cares. Thank you for sharing them with us! Love Ya(al) Mod & Dad
