
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dearest Kyra Mae.

Dearest Kyra Mae,
Oh my baby bear, how fast you are growing. You are no longer an infant but a full blown baby.  You are developing a personality all your own.  You have the sweet nature of your sister but you are showing us just how different you are. 
You have been laughing a lot lately and the sound is infectious.  The light in your eyes is the same light I catch in your Daddy's eyes.  You match his glimmer of determination, with his look of determination comes an old soul full of protection and wisdom.  I can't wait to see what accompanies yours.  I know you are going to do amazing things and I can't wait to see where that look of determination takes you.  What adventures you will lead us into.  We can't wait to see how you will continue to add to our lives.  We love you so much it feels like our hearts might burst sometimes.

Forever and Always,
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