
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dearest Teagan

Dearest Teagan,
Sweet girl. Little Bear. Mommy's helper. Daddy's shadow. Big sister.  Every day with you is something new. Like brand spakin' fresh outta the box new.
Your latest thing is playing with my shoes.  Little lady, you can wear my heels better than I can!
The imagination you are developing is unlike anything we could have wished for.  From mothering your babies to fixing lots and LOTS of noodle soup in your kitchen.  From "doing it like Daddy do" to "feeding Baby Sally like Mommy".  I can't wait to see where your imagination takes you. 
We will continue to let you explore your world with boundaries and freedom all at the same time.  We will let you make mistakes but I promise we will catch you when you fall.  If we happen to miss I promise we will pick you up, hold you and find a bigger mit to catch you with the next time.

Forever and Always,
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