
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oh the things she does...

A few weeks ago Josh gave Teagan a set of keys to use in her car outside.  We got in a hurry cleaning up and trying to get the girls situated that we forgot about them.   A a few days later Josh couldn't find them.  We just assumed they'd been dropped in the yard, or left in the car and one of the neighborhood kids had grabbed them.  He wasn't too happy but he couldn't really blame Teagan, he'd given her the keys!
Last week we were finishing up dinner and all of a sudden we hear a cackle.  Not a giggle, not even just a laugh.  A pure cackle. 
"Daddy! Daddy! I found your keys!"- Teagan
"Where were they, Little Bear?" -Daddy
"In my pocket book, Daddy! That's where keys go!"-Teagan

Oh the things she does...

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