
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Stomach bug.

I love having the girls in daycare.  I know that might throw some backlash my way but oh, well.  To each mom their own. One of the only down sides to it is similar to school.  SICKNESS.
The stomach bug made it's way to the girls' daycare and who was the first to catch it? Teagan? No. Kyra? No. Mommy? Yes.
For Kyra and I it was literally just a 24 hour bug with about a day of "recovery finally feel all better time" although, Kyra's bug pulled an ear infection along with it so she's on meds now.  Thankfully she had no symptoms other than a cough we took her in for today.
It hit Teagan a little harder.  She is still suffering a little bit today from it.  She doesn't have a fever or anything but her system is still getting cleaned out and it's starting to get sore.  My heart aches for her.  She cries every time her body "cleans itself out".  All I could think of doing today was soaking her in water as much as possible.  So, we had some pool time and some tub time today.  I really hope that helps and it's not as bad tomorrow.

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