
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Keeping it simple with just 5 things.

I love reading the Naptime Diaries blog.  Jessi is such an inspiration and I am always encouraged when I read an entry on her blog.  One of her most recent entries was about setting simple goals for the 2013 year, allowing the Lord to lead her and show her the big things, and being intentional with the small things.  I am following suit and I have come up with my own five things for the year of 2013.

1) Being intentional with my quiet time and dig, dig, dig into the word.  I wrote a post earlier about learning from the disciples mistakes in the garden of Gethsemane, about falling asleep and napping when God asks us to stay awake and be with him.  I am prayerful that the Holy Spirit will assist me with strength and discipline to really stick to this plan this year.

2) Being intentional with my husband.  Having two younger children has it's roller coaster sized ups and downs.  Life can blur the lines between Mommy and wife.  That happened more than I would like to admit in 2012.  My goal is to intentionally be a wife to my husband.  To pursue him, pray for him, be a wife to him, because he's already got a pretty awesome mom and he doesn't need another one.  Besides, he didn't marry me to be his mom.  

3) Being intentional with growing the girls in the Gospel.  We've already got a bible verse plan on the calendar for the girls and we will start having a devotion of sorts either in the bathtub or at the dinner table.  I will be held accountable for these sweet babies and I intend on not having to hang my head in shame when the Lord calls on me on judgement day.

4) Being intentional with my girlfriends.  I aim to hold them accountable.  I aim to write them letter, the real kind.  I am to call, not just text, to check in.  I am to increase the bond between my friends and I.  2012 was a little crazy trying to adjust with two, however, I can no longer and will no longer use that as an excuse.  What out friends, here I come!

5) Work on me.  What goes into my body.  Watching what I eat and watching what my family eats.    The exercise I want to do.  I am going to aim for at least 30 minutes a day.  It can be walking, running, yoga, etc.  I have not given a lot of thought to baby weight or before baby body over the last year, because honestly I haven't had time to think on such things.  I am feeling really good about my body and I can honestly say I feel the best I have every felt.  I just want to make sure I maintain that feeling.

So, what are five things you are going to do in 2013?  Read more?  Start a running routine?  Eating out less?  Eating in more?  Watching less TV? Taking a hot bath at least once a week?  I would love to know! And remember, these are supposed to be SMALL and ATTAINABLE goals.  We should never set ourselves up for defeat.

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