
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Learning from mistakes.

The New Year is here and I am most certain there are millions of people making resolutions.  I am pretty sure there are a lot of ladies, and men, out there who are promising to themselves and to the Lord that they will spend more time with Him.  That they will dig into the Word more.  That they will pray more. Serve more. Love more.  I am one of those people.  
I have been reading a book, Girl Meets God, for a few years.  It was a book I was really excited about and had good intentions to read in a day or twos time but it didn’t work out that way.  I recently picked it back up and I have been carrying it around with me picking it up when I can.  This is one book I have read with a pen in hand.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it but to be quite honest I was excited to read anything not quite school related for a while.  I am finally almost finished with the book and in the last few pages a passage stuck out at me that I felt the need to expound on.  It had New Year’s resolutions all over it. 
These are the words from page 229: “ My life is like a disciple’s nap in Gethsemane:  I have promised over and over, to be vigilant for the things of God, to be awake to Him, but I seem to spend much of my life sleeping”.
How often, not just in January, but the whole year through do we promise the Lord over and over that we will pursue Him more?  That we will dig into the Word more? That we will serve more? Love more? Pray more?  I know this has always been a struggle for me.  I will do a great job being faithful in my quiet time and my prayer time for two weeks and then I will hit a road bump, miss one day, and then take a proverbial nap. 
What is it going to take? For me, it’s going to take discipline.  I am going to just have to be more disciplined and more diligent in my time in the Word.  Accountability is another thing.  We are called to be accountable for each other, in our growing and in our walking.  I am going to have to be more accountable not only for myself but also my husband and my girlfriends.  One of the ways I am going to pursue my quiet time is by going along with the She Reads Truth (see the button on the right).  One series at a time.    
So, friends, what will you do this year?  How are you going to stick to it?  How are you going to keep yourself awake in your growth? How are you going to keep your resolutions this year?  365 days....let's get started! 

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