
Monday, October 7, 2013

Let's do a giveaway. The Matilda Jane kind.

picture from last fall.  by far one of my favorites. 

By the time fall makes its way to North Carolina, I've already been in skinnies, leggings, and cardigans, and sometimes boots, for months.  My wardrobe is typically full of fall year 'round and typically increases the likelihood of obvious sweat stains but I can't help it! I love the season. I especially love the clothes.
And ladies, if we're going to love our mommy bodies, we need to love what we put on them.  I am as guilty as any.  I have a closet full of clothes. Seriously, it's ridiculous.  During these 31 days in October, I am following along with Hayley and building a wardrobe I love.  Part of that was purging (stuff is still for sale via my Instagram) and the next part is filling in the holes.
That being said, the sweet people at Matilda Jane Clothing sent me a gift card. A $50 gift card to be exact.  Typically they are known for their witty and adorable girls clothes like the ones they sent Teagan but did you know they sell ladies clothes too? They have some really cute stuff.

Some of my favorites are:
The Grape Leaf Cardigan 
The College Kimono Dress
The Lucy Dress

Now, I need you to promise me something, that if you win this gift card, you will spend it on YOURSELF.  Not the kiddos in your life.  Promise? Okay, I'm trusting you. Let's do this.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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