
Saturday, November 23, 2013


I don't know that hard is exactly the word I'm looking for. I'm not even sure that difficult would cover it either. I think just the word adjustment is enough. We've had a lot of adjusting this week. I started a new job (praise Jesus) and we've had to adjust.
We've had to adjust to the idea of Mommy getting off at 5 o'clock in a DIFFERENT city/county. We've had to adjust to Mommy, Teagan, and Kyra not getting home until almost 30-40 minutes later than usual. We've had to adjust to getting up just a little earlier because Mommy has to be at work in that same-different county by 8-8:30. It's figuring out how dinner is going to work. It's figuring out how our Community Group is going to work/or not work. It's rushing around as soon as we get home in the evenings to eat, bathe, and put the girls to bed so we can get up the next morning without a major meltdown.  There are a lot of things Josh and I are talking about, some hard decisions that are going to have to be decided upon in the next few weeks.
That being said, I am asking for some grace. Whether it's grace that I haven't posted in a week or two. Whether it's grace that I don't get you a text back right away like I normally would. Whether it's a phone call or a Facebook message that I don't return in my normal time frame. We are just in a phase of adjustment right now and life is a little hectic. I'm not giving excuses. I am just asking for a little time to figure out how all this is going to work out; a little time to smooth out some of the rougher edges.

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