
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Exodus Road: book giveaway

"I read this book not once, but twice, in a matter of two-three hours. I read it once to myself and then I followed my mom around her house while she cleaned and read it out loud to her. The story is easy to follow but one that stirs your heart and makes it skip beats. ~Rici Reid"

That was my Amazon review for this book, y'all.  I have since read it at least two more times.  Each time I read something I somehow missed the first few times I read it.  Can you imagine for a minute with me, purposely sending your husband or wife into a brothel? A brothel full of sights and sounds and feelings that could never be undone?  A situation that some of the best of men or women you know would decline to go into because they weren't sure of how they would react to the temptation? Can you imagine being their lifeline on the other end of a Skype call and then watching the footage and sharing in their experience because you agreed on accountability? Can you imagining sitting for hours watching footage of under-aged girls and boys being shown like cattle at a farm sale? I couldn't either, until I read this book.  I knew sex-trafficking was happening.  I even knew it was happening closer and closer to home.  It wasn't until I went to Allume and heard Laura Parker speak both to our large crowd and then speaking to her directly that I realized how big this is.  It because one of my "things". I fight for a cure for SMA and now I fight to end human trafficking, with The Exodus Road organization.  A little way I get to do that is give away a free copy of the book "The Exodus Road".  Like I said in my review, it's an easy read but be prepared to sit on the edge of your seat, fists clinched, ready to take an airplane and knock down some doors.  On to the give away....

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