
Sunday, November 17, 2013

I'm not a marathoner...yet.

I was going to write about how embarrassed I am. How angry I am. How disappointed I am. How much I cried. How the fact that I only got to mile 16.5 because my IT band got so tight I couldn't move and had to be brought in by the medic and there were sirens.  How I got a strong scolding from the doctor that looked at my knee when I got to the medic tent.
I've decided not to do that. While I am still upset I'm over it- I will not allow it to bring me down. Instead, I'm going to focus on all the good. The fact that I trained my body well. The fact that even at 16.5 besides my IT band the rest of my body could have made it and made it in a better time than I thought. The fact that my arm kept buzzing with prayers from people who love me. The fact that we exceeded our goal of $1200 for the Getty Owl Foundation. The fact that my parents spent the night at our house so they could watch Teagan and Kyra the morning of the race so they could be comfortable and then meet me at the finish line. The fact that my family was waiting at our house when we got home with arms open wide and a dozen roses. The fact that Teagan and Kyra wanted to make my boo-boo better. They wanted kisses and hugs and for mommy to read them books. The fact that had I kept going I could have done a lot more damage and the doctor told me my other leg would have equal damage for trying to compensate (I'm definitely feeling that compensation this morning). The fact that my sweet husband found me at the 13.1 mile mark and then met me again at the 14 mile mark and walked with me. Holding tight to my hand. Allowing me to lean on him for 2.5 miles; crying but refusing to quit. Telling me that people were still behind us and that it was okay. Telling me we could keep going or stop.  That he would be with me. Talk about my hero for the day.
This whole experience has been a whirlwind. I am sure I will be thankful for it in a day or two. I am currently looking for my next marathon so I can get my 26.2 sticker. I am also planning to go back and punch the Thunder Road Marathon in the face. For now, rest-recover-get back to training is the mode I'm in.

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