Don't get me wrong I miss them terribly. I miss the way Teagan greets me with the biggest smile I've ever seen everyday when I pick her up from school. I miss the way she cuddles up to me and gives me "lovin'" every single time I pick her up. I miss the way Josh and I cuddle next to each other on the couch and the way he warms my feet and wraps his arms around me when we got to bed. I miss them.
I've also been missing me a little. I think being able to get away for a few days knowing Teagan is safe and in good hands with her daddy has done me good. It's brought back a little of Rici. Social, professional, can actually be effective, Rici. It made me rethink my negative attitude towards me never going back to get my MSW. An educational light has been re-lit in me and I can't wait to see where it goes.
I am thankful for being able to do get away for a few days and learn a little bit but boy am I excited to see my two loves tomorrow when I get home. How I've missed them...
time for yourself is really important. I am craving some for me right now.