Wow, was that a ride! I figure I should post the birth story now before I start to forget things...
I went to the doctor on Wed January 20th and was STILL at 1cm and had been there for about four weeks. So the plan to induce on the 24th didn't change any. Although the doctor touched slightly on the possibility of a c-section due to her size (did NOT want to even think about this even though I was scared to death of birthing a 9lb 3oz baby). So, of course I was still disappointed but still hopeful.
Saturday, January 23rd 2010 (Aunt Jeana's b'day and now Teagan's b'day!!)
First REAL contraction...sucked it up and breathed through it...had a few more the rest of the morning but I didn't really think anything about it seeing as an induction was coming.
9am- 6pm
I started having contractions more frequently but again, I thought nothing of them. I realized they were real and so I did start timing them. I walked around and got on my yoga/birthing ball and fixed some coffee (decaff) and watched "You've Got Mail". During this time I was just breathing through them and then getting a break in between so it really wasn't that bad. Plus, I was at 1cm the Wed before so there was no way I was in labor...or so I thought. I got hungry and so I drove to McDonalds to get lunch (my aim was for Chick-fila but I had a contraction around the distance of McDonalds so I stopped there, had a contraction and ordered my food). Eventually the pain increased and I resumed what Josh and I have labeled the "froggy labor position". I literally looked like a frog on the ground while I was breathing through the contractions. Around 3:00pm I told Josh it might be a good idea to call the doctor because he was timing my contractions at around 50 seconds ever 4 or so minutes. I call the doc and he told me to come in when I wanted but if I wanted to do it natural like we had talked about then I should stay at home until I couldn't take it anymore. Well, I made it about 3 more hours...I showered and Josh went to get gas and when he came back it was definitely time to go. Let me just tell you, by this time I was in "cave woman" mode breathing through the contractions and I probably scared some neighborhood kids.
We get to the hospital and it was kinda dark and Josh and I got a little turned around...not the best thing to have happen to you when you're in labor and in pain. So, finally we saw some nurses (thank the LORD for shift change!!) going into the hospital so we stopped and pulled over and we asked where to go (of course this is during a contraction) and she was like "Are you in labor?! Pull over to the Emergency room door and dad, park the car there and get the stuff and I'll take her up" (Luckily she happened to be a nursery nurse!) So here I am breathing through contractions with a complete stranger being wheeled up to the 8th floor...we had to pass a lot of people and go through a lot of halls...needless to say I was getting some looks! Finally we made it to the 8th floor and I had to sign some kind of form (yeah, definitely don't remember what it was) and they took me to a room. I got to the room and my labor and delivery nurse checked me and I was 7cm dialated! I was estatic!! This was it! We were going to have our baby girl! Then about 3 minutes later Dr. James comes in (LOVE him by the way) and said "Rici, we need to talk" heart sank. He told me after he checked me that there was no way she was going to fit through...I looked at him in disbelief and said "but I made it to 7cm and there are only 3 left"...He said he knew and he was really impressed and proud of me, especially since it was my first baby but that it would tear up my insides and possibly hurt her if we went through with a natural labor. That was all he had to say. There was no way I was going to put her in any danger at all. Josh came in with our stuff and Dr. James explained things to him. I looked at Dr. James and asked if this meant I had to have an epidural and he said yes. My eyes got as big as a baseball (even though I knew that already) because this is what I was most scared of was the epidural...too many horror stories. Well, ladies, let me just tell you that I had and AMAZING experience with the epidural. The anesthesiologist
was wonderful and I didn't feel a thing! I told her how scared I was about getting it and she talked to be the whole time explaining what was going on. I was thankful for that. (Oh, and DURING the time I was getting the epidural we decided the name finally...haha!) I was supposed to be in line 3rd for the c-section and so my nurse started prepping me and Josh texted my parents and his letting them know they should head to the hospital...Then a nurse came in and asked if I was ready to meet my baby because I was next. I was still in shock at how fast it was all happening. We had gotten there at 6:30 and it was around 7:30 and I was being rolled out to the OR. Josh got on his "I'm the Daddy" shirt and scrubbed up and we headed into the room. At this point I could not feel ANYTHING from my chest down. That was the weirdest sensation ever. I kept touching my stomach because I could feel my fingers touching my stomach but my stomach couldn't feel my fingers yet I was completely alert! The c-section was not bad at all! I actually had a good time! haha! With Josh at my head I was at complete ease and was joking around with Dr. James and the rest of the staff. They were amazing! I looked at Josh and laughed that wow, she's going to be born on her Aunt Jeana's b'day! How crazy!! Then, at 8:12pm, Dr. James lifted her over that blue curtain and I fell in love for the second time in my life! She was beautiful! They took her to clean her up and let Josh come over there and then I heard the most amazing sound in the world...her first cry. I breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the LORD she was okay and that she was really here! (Even as I look at her sleeping beside me now I can't believe she's actually here). They got her all wrapped up and gave her to Josh who brought her over to me to show me...I kept saying I wanted to hold her and so Dr. James needed to hurry (that got a laugh and he told me he was going as fast as he could). They let Josh take her to our recovery room and they stuffed me back together and stapled me all back together then wheeled me to the recovery room where I got to hold my sweet baby Teagan for the first time (definitely tearing up at typing that). She was perfect! I was in complete amazement of her and how perfect she really was. Josh kissed me on the head and just smiled at me as I gazed at her with a love that I'll never be able to describe. After a few hours in the recovery room we were able to bring back family so Mamaw (my Mamaw, not Teagan's) came in first to see her and she was just oooing and ahhhing over her great-granddaughter. Then came the moms....tears anyone? lol, it was precious. Then the dads...they were hilarious but you could tell by the look on both of their faces that they instantly fell in love with their new granddaughter. Our labor and delivery nurse Frances told my daddy that Teagan looked just like him (try living with him now...haha!) and of course daddy floated to cloud 9 after that comment. Then after having some rather embarrassing pictures taken by my daddy of me and Teagan we were left alone to relax for a little while. I was finally able to nurse and then we headed to our room.
The hospital stay wasn't so bad. I actually recovered quick and we got to come home a day earlier then we really should have but we were all doing good.
Josh and I are beyond amazed at our baby girl. She is the most precious and wonderful thing that has ever happened to either of us. It's been a little bit of an adjustment but Josh and I make a great team and Teagan is a great baby so, so far so good! We appreciate all the love and support everybody had provided us. We are just loving and enjoying our little girl.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Is it really that time? is my last official day of work (until I come back from maternity leave). I was more mentally prepared for it last Friday then I am this Friday. It just seems so surreal. Today is the last day I'll be sitting here at my work computer for the next 6 or 8 weeks (depending on how the delivery goes). I've been anxiously awaiting this day but now it's here I'm almost sad. This means that next week the clock starts ticking on the time I will get to spend at home with my daughter, that next week the fastest 6 weeks of my life will begin and I can't imagine feeling any more guilty about only having those 6 weeks then I do now...but I know the feeling will only get worse. Sure, I'll get through the first 5 because I'll be madly in love and completely devoted to my daughter but I fear that 6th week...that 6th week will mean me having to try and mentally adjust to leaving her. Now, for the 2nd 6 weeks of her life she will be with my mom "Mamaw" and she will still be less then 5 minutes away but she won't be next to me and I won't be able to check on her every 5 seconds. What if I miss something from being away from her? This thought tears me apart because I know how fast time goes by and I don't want to miss a thing in my little girl's life. Okay, that is about all I can type before the tears take over my vision.
Tonight we are going out with Jeana, Seth and Miles for Jeana's b'day! I just have to figure out if I have anything cute that will still fit over this belly of mine! Also I will post pictures of the belly and new hair later on here and facebook!
Tonight we are going out with Jeana, Seth and Miles for Jeana's b'day! I just have to figure out if I have anything cute that will still fit over this belly of mine! Also I will post pictures of the belly and new hair later on here and facebook!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Yesterday we went to the doctor for one last ultrasound before Sprout gets here just to check on size. Two weeks ago this kid was 7lbs 12oz (give or take)...yesterday she weighed in at a whopping 9lbs 3oz...Honestly, all I could do was laugh (until I got out of the doctors office and called my husband and I had told Josh the night before and my daddy yesterday morning that I really thought there was a 9lb baby in my stomach because rolling over at night just felt different. They both told me there was no way and that I was crazy....well, unfortunately I was actually right! The important thing is that she is still completely healthy and so am I. We shouldn't have any problems. The doctor did say that if she had gotten to 10lbs or they thought she would get to 10lbs by Sunday then they would schedule a c-section (because of the gestational diabetes) but he didn't forsee that and so we can go along with our plan of birthing naturally. He explained what would happen when we got to the hospital on Sunday night and told me I should eat a normal dinner because I was going to need my strength. Since I'm STILL only 1cm dialated it is probably going to take a while but he also said that as soon as they give me something to help "ripen" (I'm not going into detail) that we might go into labor naturally because all Sprout needed was a nudge! So, there are lots of things that can happen this weekend (basically our options range from needing the little nudge and going into labor to Pitocin to a c-section if she can't fit...). All I'm concentrating on is that by Monday evening (hopefully Monday and not Tuesday) Josh and I will be holding our baby girl.
So, as for the hospital, I've packed movies in my bag and I'll have my running shoes (for walking, obviously), a book or two, my Ipod and Josh will have a Nintendo DS and we'll just settle in for the night and see how everything goes. I might use this stuff and I might not but I'd rather be prepared with too much stuff to do then have nothing to do at all...
So, as for the hospital, I've packed movies in my bag and I'll have my running shoes (for walking, obviously), a book or two, my Ipod and Josh will have a Nintendo DS and we'll just settle in for the night and see how everything goes. I might use this stuff and I might not but I'd rather be prepared with too much stuff to do then have nothing to do at all...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Getting nervous...
Well, I just got a call from the doctor's office with our "induction schedule". We have an ultrasound tomorrow morning and then we go in on Sunday evening at 7:30 and start the induction process. I'm more nervous about the induction process then I'd like to admit. The thought of the Pitocin and the contractions going from 0-60 is really freaking me out. When I've had maybe an hour of "real" contractions total this whole pregnancy it worries me that I'm not going to be prepared. I would have liked to at least been able to do a warm up lap before the big race...
I'm trying to remain calm thinking she could just grace us with her presence before then but I'm not going to try and force her out. I'm still going to take this week in stride and try and get stuff done around the house while she's still an inside baby. With the weather being so pretty I'll proably walk more (like yesterday...I walked for 30 minutes with her stroller around the neighborhood! I had to try it out!!!) and just spend time with my hubby while we still have "just us" time.
Even though I might be nervous about the upcoming induction I still gave this whole situation over to the LORD and I plan on leaving it with him, so right now I'm focusing on his comfort in my time of being scared and nervous...
James 1: 5-6
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask GOD, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
*what good is giving it to GOD if I'm only going to snatch it back?*
I'm trying to remain calm thinking she could just grace us with her presence before then but I'm not going to try and force her out. I'm still going to take this week in stride and try and get stuff done around the house while she's still an inside baby. With the weather being so pretty I'll proably walk more (like yesterday...I walked for 30 minutes with her stroller around the neighborhood! I had to try it out!!!) and just spend time with my hubby while we still have "just us" time.
Even though I might be nervous about the upcoming induction I still gave this whole situation over to the LORD and I plan on leaving it with him, so right now I'm focusing on his comfort in my time of being scared and nervous...
James 1: 5-6
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask GOD, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
*what good is giving it to GOD if I'm only going to snatch it back?*
Monday, January 18, 2010
A little excitement last night...
Up until last night I've been having basically a TON of Braxton Hicks ("fake/practice") contractions for a while now. Last night...we called the doctor on call....
We went to Lincolnton yesterday for Mamaw's b'day and Josh had to try and work on his car so I went to Hickory with the girls (Mama, Mamaw, Kellie and Aunt Ann) to walk around and just not be in the house because I was stir crazy from sitting around on Saturday. You can't imagine the looks I got when people smiled and asked me when I was due..."last Friday" I'd say with a big smile and they just got this slight look of fear across their was hilarious to watch! Anyway, as Josh and I were heading home we decided to stop for something to eat because it was around 6:30ish. Well, before he even turned into the drive thru from the main road my eyes got huge and I looked at him and just started breathing. He realized what was going on because "now THOSE sound like Nurse Diane's did in class"! It was hilarious and he did such a good job just keeping my mind off of what was going on. So, as my (finally) real contractions continued we got through the drive-thru (the guy at the drive thru was staring and the look on his face was priceless from what Josh said) and headed home. I kept having them but Josh kept talking to me like nothing was happening (which is EXACTLY what I needed him to do) except asking if I needed to call the doctor or if I wanted to wait and I kept saying lets wait until we get a little closer to home. So, we're driving down the road and I'm still having contractions but it's like my body just took over. My body knew exactly what to do and how to breathe. I just went with it but decided we might need to call the doctor anyway. Well, I call the voice center while I'm still in contraction mode and it was obvious to her I was having contractions and then by the time the on-call nurse called back they had stopped. They were consistent (timing was right to call) while they were happening but once they stopped it's like they stopped cold turkey and I was back to the Braxton-Hicks. I felt like a moron talking to the on-call nurse and she made me feel like a moron for calling but she told me she was going to have the doctor call anyway. So, we get home and start to eat dinner and the doc calls. Let me just tell you that I LOVE every doctor that I've seen at the practice I go to and this doc was just as friendly as I remembered him being (this is the doc who informed us of Sprout's Choroid Cysts...which are GONE by the way)! He talked to me for about 10 minutes and was wonderful. He also explained that if I want to do natural that he thinks it's wonderful but that I need to stay at home and basically suck it up as long as I can when they start back. He told me things that I hadn't been informed of yet and it was very helpful so even if the contractions stopped I'm so glad I got to talk to him!
Josh and I headed to bed early (those contractions wear your body out a little!! lol) and then I woke up around 12:45 this morning feeling them again but I just laid there breathing through them...I figure if I start freaking out and start walking around and doing something other then breathing to relieve them at this point then I'll have nothing left to try once they get really bad so at this point I'm just sticking to the breathing and having my husband distract me and so far it's worked. It's crazy that my body just seems to know exactly what to do...
I head in to the doctor this morning for a check up and to more then likely schedule the induction date...we'll probably be talking more "natural" options for induction this morning but still schedule the date just in case. My doc appointment isn't until 9am but I've been up a while because I just want to get there and figure out where we go from here!! We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers from everybody!!
We went to Lincolnton yesterday for Mamaw's b'day and Josh had to try and work on his car so I went to Hickory with the girls (Mama, Mamaw, Kellie and Aunt Ann) to walk around and just not be in the house because I was stir crazy from sitting around on Saturday. You can't imagine the looks I got when people smiled and asked me when I was due..."last Friday" I'd say with a big smile and they just got this slight look of fear across their was hilarious to watch! Anyway, as Josh and I were heading home we decided to stop for something to eat because it was around 6:30ish. Well, before he even turned into the drive thru from the main road my eyes got huge and I looked at him and just started breathing. He realized what was going on because "now THOSE sound like Nurse Diane's did in class"! It was hilarious and he did such a good job just keeping my mind off of what was going on. So, as my (finally) real contractions continued we got through the drive-thru (the guy at the drive thru was staring and the look on his face was priceless from what Josh said) and headed home. I kept having them but Josh kept talking to me like nothing was happening (which is EXACTLY what I needed him to do) except asking if I needed to call the doctor or if I wanted to wait and I kept saying lets wait until we get a little closer to home. So, we're driving down the road and I'm still having contractions but it's like my body just took over. My body knew exactly what to do and how to breathe. I just went with it but decided we might need to call the doctor anyway. Well, I call the voice center while I'm still in contraction mode and it was obvious to her I was having contractions and then by the time the on-call nurse called back they had stopped. They were consistent (timing was right to call) while they were happening but once they stopped it's like they stopped cold turkey and I was back to the Braxton-Hicks. I felt like a moron talking to the on-call nurse and she made me feel like a moron for calling but she told me she was going to have the doctor call anyway. So, we get home and start to eat dinner and the doc calls. Let me just tell you that I LOVE every doctor that I've seen at the practice I go to and this doc was just as friendly as I remembered him being (this is the doc who informed us of Sprout's Choroid Cysts...which are GONE by the way)! He talked to me for about 10 minutes and was wonderful. He also explained that if I want to do natural that he thinks it's wonderful but that I need to stay at home and basically suck it up as long as I can when they start back. He told me things that I hadn't been informed of yet and it was very helpful so even if the contractions stopped I'm so glad I got to talk to him!
Josh and I headed to bed early (those contractions wear your body out a little!! lol) and then I woke up around 12:45 this morning feeling them again but I just laid there breathing through them...I figure if I start freaking out and start walking around and doing something other then breathing to relieve them at this point then I'll have nothing left to try once they get really bad so at this point I'm just sticking to the breathing and having my husband distract me and so far it's worked. It's crazy that my body just seems to know exactly what to do...
I head in to the doctor this morning for a check up and to more then likely schedule the induction date...we'll probably be talking more "natural" options for induction this morning but still schedule the date just in case. My doc appointment isn't until 9am but I've been up a while because I just want to get there and figure out where we go from here!! We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers from everybody!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Keeping Josh busy so he doesn't drive me crazy... ;-)
Today has been a fairly relaxed day. There have been a few moments last night and today where I thought we might be entering the "laboring phase" but they haven't lasted so I'm looking at it as prepping for the laboring
Josh and I slept in until around 8ish and then I got up and made myself some breakfast (Josh isn't big on breakfast)...This wouldn't typically be a difficult task but my dear husband has to keep himself occupied and so he's decided to start some construction in our kitchen. He's increasing our storage space (thank goodness!!) but until it's finished I've got quite an obstacle course in the kitchen, especially in front of my stove. So, needless to say fixing my omelet this morning was more of a task then normal but I did it! While I was eating breakfast, propping my feet up and watching Harry Potter, Josh was upstairs on the computer. After I finished my breakfast Josh came down and started demolition/construction while I finished Harry Potter and put new purple tabs on my Bible (they look so good because my Bible is purple too!!!) and continued to prop my feet. Finally I finished the tabs and Harry Potter and went over and helped Josh as much as I could (this typically involves handing him the tape measure, etc). Then I decided to clean what I could because the mess was driving me crazy so I pulled out my container of Clorox wipes and went to town in the kitchen, the bathroom, some of the doors...well, you get the point. After that my hippo feet came back but I'm so tired of sitting that I continued to stand in the kitchen and watch my sweet husband work. This has basically been what my day has consisted of but I'm okay with it. I'm enjoying just relaxing and doing what I want to do when I want to do it and not feeling rushed.
So, while Josh and his dad take over operation more kitchen storage I'm going to take a long shower and fix my hair just in case my labor prep turns into the real thing...My hair needs to be at least half way decent when we start!! ;-)
Josh and I slept in until around 8ish and then I got up and made myself some breakfast (Josh isn't big on breakfast)...This wouldn't typically be a difficult task but my dear husband has to keep himself occupied and so he's decided to start some construction in our kitchen. He's increasing our storage space (thank goodness!!) but until it's finished I've got quite an obstacle course in the kitchen, especially in front of my stove. So, needless to say fixing my omelet this morning was more of a task then normal but I did it! While I was eating breakfast, propping my feet up and watching Harry Potter, Josh was upstairs on the computer. After I finished my breakfast Josh came down and started demolition/construction while I finished Harry Potter and put new purple tabs on my Bible (they look so good because my Bible is purple too!!!) and continued to prop my feet. Finally I finished the tabs and Harry Potter and went over and helped Josh as much as I could (this typically involves handing him the tape measure, etc). Then I decided to clean what I could because the mess was driving me crazy so I pulled out my container of Clorox wipes and went to town in the kitchen, the bathroom, some of the doors...well, you get the point. After that my hippo feet came back but I'm so tired of sitting that I continued to stand in the kitchen and watch my sweet husband work. This has basically been what my day has consisted of but I'm okay with it. I'm enjoying just relaxing and doing what I want to do when I want to do it and not feeling rushed.
So, while Josh and his dad take over operation more kitchen storage I'm going to take a long shower and fix my hair just in case my labor prep turns into the real thing...My hair needs to be at least half way decent when we start!! ;-)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Mostly for my sake...
I got a "Hugs for New Moms" book from my aunt Ann for Christmas...I read the book cover to cover in about 45 minutes while relaxing in the bathtub a week or so ago...the book is amazing and I'm sure I'll be turning to it on quite a few occassions in the coming up weeks. One particular passage stood out to me. It's a mix of a few verses that have been "personalized" by the authors...
"I'll bless you and multiply your family, keeping my covenant of love with you. Don't let anxiety still your joy; rather, tell ME about your worries and needs and thank ME in advance. As you pray, you'll find that MY imcomparable peace overshadows all of your problems and insecurities. Always be content with what you have, knowing that I'll never leave or abandon you. I'll supply everything you need, according to MY endless richess in glory.
Faithfully providing,
From: Deut 7:12-12; John 16:33; Phil 4:6-7; Hebrews 13:5; Phil 4:19
"I'll bless you and multiply your family, keeping my covenant of love with you. Don't let anxiety still your joy; rather, tell ME about your worries and needs and thank ME in advance. As you pray, you'll find that MY imcomparable peace overshadows all of your problems and insecurities. Always be content with what you have, knowing that I'll never leave or abandon you. I'll supply everything you need, according to MY endless richess in glory.
Faithfully providing,
From: Deut 7:12-12; John 16:33; Phil 4:6-7; Hebrews 13:5; Phil 4:19
When I read it the first time I was just reading it as I would read a book and I was slightly overwhelmed (in a good way) at the content of the book. Today, Sprout's due date, I read it and am at peace. When I read "don't let anxiety steal your joy and thank ME in advance" it just jumped out on the page. I need to let my anxiety go about when Sprout will be here. As of today I am refusing to let my anxiety steal my joy. I will continue with the rest of this pregnancy (however long it might be) with joy in my heart, treasuring each and every movement I feel my daughter make. I will not let the anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach steal the joy of my last few days of just the two of us. So, as of today, I am givng my anxiety over to the LORD and thats that.
He's had her in HIS arms since day one and she's safer there then she'll ever be anywhere else.
He's had her in HIS arms since day one and she's safer there then she'll ever be anywhere else.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tomorrow's the big day...or is it?
I never thought I'd do this but we've got family and friends all over and sometimes facebook just doesn't cut it! So, I figure this will be a better source of information for people, like my mom, who just refuse to get on facebook! So here it goes...
Well, Sprout is "officially" due tomorrow but I have a feeling she won't be here until sometime next week. Dr. Wicker didn't give us the best news at our last appointment...we weren't getting very far and we were to talk induction at our next appointment (on Monday the 18th). Although, hearing Sprout's heartbeat and finding out she's still perfectly healthy in every way always makes up for the "she's not coming anytime soon" speech.
I have to admit that I am getting pretty anxious. The not knowing part is the worst and is driving me a little crazy. Waking up every morning wondering if today is going to be the day Josh and I meet our beautiful little girl and then feeling the disappointment when we crawl into bed at night and she's still not here is getting more and more difficult as the days pass. I know, I know, she's not even overdue yet but that doesn't lessen my longing to have her in my arms this very second!
Her nursery is completely finished. Josh finished the last few touches in her closest last night ! I can honestly say her room and her furniture are beautiful! What makes it even better is that her daddy and Grandpa Reid made her crib and her changing table/dresser and her Grandma Reid re-upolstered our rocking chair (where I already sit and read to her) and her Mamaw and Papaw helped paint her room and her Aunt Jeana made closet organizers for her! Her crib bedding is on the crib and her baskets are on the changing table and her clothes are washed and put away and I can just stand there staring into her room anxiously awaiting that first officialy rock and change and nap...
Well, Sprout is "officially" due tomorrow but I have a feeling she won't be here until sometime next week. Dr. Wicker didn't give us the best news at our last appointment...we weren't getting very far and we were to talk induction at our next appointment (on Monday the 18th). Although, hearing Sprout's heartbeat and finding out she's still perfectly healthy in every way always makes up for the "she's not coming anytime soon" speech.
I have to admit that I am getting pretty anxious. The not knowing part is the worst and is driving me a little crazy. Waking up every morning wondering if today is going to be the day Josh and I meet our beautiful little girl and then feeling the disappointment when we crawl into bed at night and she's still not here is getting more and more difficult as the days pass. I know, I know, she's not even overdue yet but that doesn't lessen my longing to have her in my arms this very second!
Her nursery is completely finished. Josh finished the last few touches in her closest last night ! I can honestly say her room and her furniture are beautiful! What makes it even better is that her daddy and Grandpa Reid made her crib and her changing table/dresser and her Grandma Reid re-upolstered our rocking chair (where I already sit and read to her) and her Mamaw and Papaw helped paint her room and her Aunt Jeana made closet organizers for her! Her crib bedding is on the crib and her baskets are on the changing table and her clothes are washed and put away and I can just stand there staring into her room anxiously awaiting that first officialy rock and change and nap...
I'm still feeling pretty good. I can't really complain. I have gotten to the point where I'm either going crazy trying to clean around the house or I'm on the couch because I've overdone it and need to put my feet up. My poor feet have gotten to the point where if I'm on them for more then 20-30 minutes then they start swelling and become "hippopotamus" feet (Josh and I have so lovingly named them that) and then I have to prop them. Also, my back has started KILLING me and the only relief from that is the bouncy ball or leaning over in the shower and having the water hit that one certain spot or Josh digging into my back...all of which require me to be on my feet (more or less) and so after the back relief efforts I'm back on the couch propping up my hippo feet! It's quite the cycle but like I said before I can't really complain. We've had such a great pregnancy and I am so very thankful for it.
So now, we wait....I honestly think the Lord is preparing me and Josh for parenthood...patience you two, patience....
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